Todoist, Omnifocus and Things 3 review
I’ve been playing with various task managers / personal life management tools. These are some of my notes and thoughts.
Todoist review
- Filters (custom perspectives)
- Smart task editor when adding tasks
- Great web interface and decent mobile apps
- Super flexible recurrence (“every third…”)
- No review: discovering stale tasks is fairly low
- No way of marking tasks as “ready” or “available” unless you go into filters and tags religiously
- No postponing/deferring of tasks
- No scheduling of tasks
Omnifocus review
- Projects and subprojects
- Tasks and subtasks
- Deferring of tasks until date
- “Waiting” tag to mark tasks as currently unavailable
- Built-in Review
- Custom perspectives (pro version)
- Projects and tasks can be marked as “parallel” or “sequential” so that only one tag is “ready”
- Possible to create views with tasks that are currently ready to pick up
- Mac only
- Pricy (10/m, 99/y or pricy app one-time purchases (major version upgrades extra))
- No/crappy and expensive (subscription) web interface
- edit: It works reasonably okay, it’s just not as slick in terms of UX as the competition’s
- Not extremely flexible recurrence like Todoist
- Interface is quite click-heavy (maybe I don’t know the shortcuts yet) – missing Todoist’s quick-entry with “@foo +foo due:date” inline
- Tags are all the same colour
- Edit: synchronizing between the various clients is quite slow. Sometimes it just breaks and you’re starting at the app for a few minutes.
Things review (Things on Mac)
I’ve not played with Things for as long. I’ve quickly realised that it’s mainly a lot like Todoist.
- Simple and clean look
- Areas and projects (which are tasks)
- Subtasks
- Scheduling ability
- Mac only
- No web interface
- Pricy (desktop: 50, ipad: 20, iphone: 10)
- No deferring of tasks
- No blocking of tasks as “unavailable”
- No review option built-in
- No subprojects; projects are intended to be completable
- No custom perspectives / filters