We investigate alternate ways to bring TLS into the post-quantum age. Notably, we try to get rid of the expensive signature schemes in the online handshake, by authenticating using only KEMs.

Thom Wiggers
Senior Cryptography Researcher
My research interests include (post-quantum) cryptography and protocols
Douglas and I appeared on Nadim’s new podcast ‘Cryptography FM’ to talk about KEMTLS
Thom Wiggers
Last updated on
1 min readPublications
The recent KEMTLS protocol (Schwabe, Stebila and Wiggers,CCS’20) is a promising design for a quantum-safe TLS handshake protocol. …
Felix Günther, Simon Rastikian, Patrick Towa, Thom Wiggers
KEMTLS (CCS 2020) is a novel alternative to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) handshake that integrates post-quantum algorithms.
It …
Sofía Celi
, Armando Faz-Hernández, Nick Sullivan, Goutam Tamvada, Luke Valenta, Bas Westerbaan, Thom Wiggers, Christopher Wood
Ph.D. defense of Thom Wiggers’ thesis entitled “Post-Quantum TLS”.
2024-01-09 14:30 — 17:00
Aula Building, Radboud University Nijmegen
Thom Wiggers
Conference talk about our publication KEMTLS vs. Post-Quantum TLS: Performance on Embedded Systems at SPACE 2022
2022-12-11 11:30 — 12:00
Thom Wiggers
Conference presentation of our KEMTLS formal analysis paper at ESORICS 2022
2022-09-27 15:00 — 15:20
DGI Byen CPH Conference Center
Thom Wiggers
Conference talk about KEMTLS-PDK
2021-10-07 15:15 — 16:30
Thom Wiggers
Talk about KEMTLS on Cloudflare TV
2021-03-29 14:00 — 14:30
Thom Wiggers, Sofía Celi
Conference talk about Post-Quantum TLS without Handshake Signatures at ACM CCS (virtual).
2020-11-09 — 2020-11-13
Thom Wiggers
Talk about Post-Quantum TLS without Handshake Signatures at the Lorentz Workshop (virtual)
2020-10-05 — 2020-10-09
Thom Wiggers
Department Lunch Talk about KEMTLS
2020-10-02 12:30 — 13:30
Thom Wiggers